Average Lifespan Of Lab Grown Diamond Rings

Pink Diamonds

Diamonds have long been an attractive choice for individuals looking for a token of fidelity and affection. The conventional belief that diamonds are uncommon and expensive has been refuted by the emergence of lab grown diamonds. Due to their low cost and ethical creation, lab grown diamonds have become increasingly popular. However, the topic of… Continue reading Average Lifespan Of Lab Grown Diamond Rings

Some Lesser-Known Aspects Of Lab Made Diamonds

Diamond Earrings

Lab grown diamonds are slowly occupying a greater share of the diamond jewelry market. This increased popularity of lab grown diamonds is due to their excellent qualities comparable to natural diamonds. Also, a contributing factor is their lower cost when compared to natural diamonds of the same characteristics. Lab made diamonds are hence considered a… Continue reading Some Lesser-Known Aspects Of Lab Made Diamonds

Options To Choose From Lab Grown Diamonds

Diamond Rings

Lab grown diamonds are fast becoming a cost-effective substitute for natural mined diamonds. This new trend owes its popularity to the strength, durability and quality of lab-made diamonds, which are on par with natural diamonds, with a price almost 50% less than mined diamonds. Lab grown diamonds are also the better choice for people who… Continue reading Options To Choose From Lab Grown Diamonds